The Online Venue is a revolving place of exploration and discovery. If you are lost, can’t find what you are looking for, saw something once and can’t return, then we can’t help you, sorry. There are places in here that we can’t get to either.

Also, much of the content linked to from this site is maintained by other people. If you are having trouble viewing artworks or websites that are not part of the Online Venue, we can’t help you with that either.

Having said that, there are some things we can help with.

This website is content heavy : it contains large images, lots of video and sound, as well as high resolution images. You will need a fast internet connection OR a lot of patience to view parts of this site.

To view the front page ‘constellation’, some of the artworks and most of the videos contained herein, you will need Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Player 8 or better.
Download the free Flash Player here

Although it may work in older browsers, this website was designed with newer web browsers in mind. It has been tested and works well with
Internet Explorer 6 and 7 (Windows)
Firefox 2 (Macintosh and Windows)
Safari 2 (Macintosh)

If you move your mouse over the ‘doodle’ images on the front page, a yellow and blue ‘label’ appears. In it you can see the name of the artist or author and the title of the work or an abstract from an essay. If you click the label, you will go to another page containing the work, link or essay.

Some of these labels have the external link badge. Clicking on these labels take you to other websites that we do not manage. In some instances, a new window will open for this, leaving the Constellation in the background.

If you click on a doodle in the Constellation, but not on the label, more related doodles will appear in a couple of seconds. In this way you can explore more of the works in the Online Venue.

The related badge occurs at the top of most pages. This returns you to the front page or Constellation. It also tries to show you works that are related to the one that you left. This may not always be clear or even possible with some of the more outlying works.

If you are still having trouble with our site, please contact us using the Contact button at the top of every page.